Dashboarding Made Easy
No-Code, Agile Dashboarding and Reporting Made Fast and Easy
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5 Minute Interactive Dashboard
Instant Insights, Endless Stories: Empowering Your Data Journey with Instant Data Stories
Drag & Resize as per your design
With our drag-and-drop functionality, resizing and repositioning charts has never been easier. Seamlessly adjust the size and placement of charts to create the perfect layout for your dashboard. Simply drag to resize and drop to reposition, enabling you to effortlessly customize your data visualization experience.
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Collabrate with Teams
Enhancing Data Narratives: Rich Text and Collaborative Comments
Add Texts and Comments
Elevate your data stories with rich text and interactive comments. Our platform allows users to seamlessly integrate descriptive text, bold formatting, hyperlinks, and more, providing depth and clarity to insights.
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Share With Ease
Securely Share In Your Organization or Outside it, or Embed Into Your Product
Schedule Dashboards via Email
With this functionality, users can schedule automated email deliveries of their data stories to relevant stakeholders. Whether it's daily, weekly, or monthly updates, our platform empowers users to set precise schedules, ensuring that insights are delivered promptly to drive informed decision-making.
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Share as a Link
Simplify data sharing with our secure URL feature, designed for seamless distribution of data stories to vendors or embedding within your platform. With this functionality, users can generate unique, secure URLs that grant access to specific data stories while maintaining confidentiality and control.
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Share with Data Access Control
When a data story is shared, each user sees information tailored to their access rights. For instance, a global report shared with country heads ensures that the USA country head sees stats and data exclusively for the USA, maintaining confidentiality and aligning with data governance protocols. With our platform, data sharing is not just efficient - it's secure and compliant.
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Focus on insights.
Not data preparation!
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